Hackathon Rules

Rules and guidelines for DAHacks 3.0


  • Projects submitted for judging at DAHacks 3.0 must have a Devpost page, GitHub repository with full commit history (or equivalent), and an optional 15-60 seconds project video that demonstrates the project.

  • Participants are disallowed from working on their project before the commencement of DAHacks 3.0 and the "Start Hacking" announcement. Projects that began development before DAHacks 3.0 will not be accepted.

  • Projects must be submitted before the hacking deadline at October 26th 3PM. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Code of Conduct

Participants are expected to be respectful and civil during DAHacks 3.0.

Display of inappropriate behavior, such as but not limited to harassment, destruction of property, disruption of event procedures, and violations of De Anza College guidelines will result in a removal from the venue, disqualification, and potential repercussions from De Anza College Judicial Affairs or law enforcement.

Last updated